How to uninstall Panda from the computer

Panda Dome EssentialPanda Dome AdvancedPanda Dome Complete
Panda Dome PremiumPanda Dome VPN


  • The automatic uninstallation from Add or Remove Programs of the Windows Control Panel has not been completed correctly.
  • The services of my product have expired, I do not wish to renew and I want to stop getting the popups reminding me to renew my Panda product.


Uninstall your Panda product from the Windows Control Panel.

Only if this process is not completed correctly, it is advisable to completely remove files and registry entries of your antivirus. To do this, follow the instructions below:

  1. Download and run the Panda Generic Uninstaller file to the Windows Desktop, for example.
  2. Click Yes when a window showing the following message is displayed:
    Do you want to run this uninstaller?
    WARNING: It will reboot at the end to ensure a clean uninstall

    Generic Uninstaller

    The following message will be displayed, but even if the window is not displayed, reboot your computer once the uninstallation process is completed.

    Generic Uninstaller

Related information
To remove Consumer 2014 or earlier products, please use the retail-legacy-uninstaller.exe tool.