Category: FTP / Download an entire website with Iperius Backup
Among the powerful features provided by Iperius, we also have the FTP Download.
This feature has many interesting uses, starting from the possibility to download locally entire websites (website backup), up to backup and automatic download of remote databases. It can also be used to periodically and automatically download any kind of file or folder accessible through an FTP server. Iperius also supports the FTPS (FTP over SSL) and SFTP (SSH) protocols, to ensure the maximum security in the data transmission.
This tutorial shows how to download some specific files and folders from an FTP server (the same procedure applies to download an entire website).
First of all you must create a new backup job, then add the special item that allows you to configure an FTP Download (as shown in the image below).
There are several settings to be configured, but, first of all, you have to create an FTP account to connect to the remote server. Click on the button highlighted in the picture and add a new account, specifying server address, username and password (and, if you want, check the options to use the secure protocols, FTPS or SFTP). Once the account has been created, you can select it from the list.
Now choose the local folder where files will be downloaded. Just below the folder path, you can see another option that allows to automatically copy the folder to the job destinations (“Destinations” panel). For example, immediately after the download is completed, Iperius can copy the folder where the files have been downloaded to NAS or tape devices.
The next option is the backup type. This allows to highly customize the backup retention policy and to speed up the backup. In fact, Iperius can make incremental backups: the first backup process will download all files, while the next ones will download only new or changed files.
Finally, you’ve to add the remote files and folders you want to download. You can add as many items you want. To add a folder, click on the button shown in the picture, then, using the FTP Client, go into the folder you want to download and click the “Select” button.
Repeat the same steps to add individual files, but, in order to select them, simply make a double-click on.
For each folder you added to the list, you can set various options and filters (you can exclude or include specific folders or files, depending on their paths, size or extension).
In the same window, you can see some other options: the possibility to set the date and time of remote files and the bandwidth limitation (that’s a very useful option if you don’t want the download process consumes all your internet bandwidth, slowing down online activities during the work hours).
Once the item configuration is completed, click on the “OK” button to save it and go forward configuring the backup options and scheduling. Finally, give a name to the backup job and save it.
You can immediately run the backup job simply right-clicking on it. If instead you set a specific scheduling time, the download process will be executed automatically on the days and times you chose.
Thanks to the powerful FTP Download features of Iperius, you can secure all your websites and online data downloading them locally in a fully automated way. You can also create solid strategies to transfer data in asynchronous way between the various branches of your company.